Home Industry Telecom Service Service Offering Hosted Value Added Services (VAS) Location Sensitive Billing (LSB)
Location Sensitive Billing (LSB)

This service can be used in conjunction with post-paid,prepaid,and/or VPN based mobile communications services to establish zones for which differentiated billing treatment may be applied. For example, a "home zone", "work zone",and "premium price zone" could be established to allow an operator to offer differentiated service to its customers. The customer benefits from LSB through his ability to use the mobile phone at preferred rates based on location. The wireless carrier benefits from incremental revenues derived from additional usage and from premium charge zones where there is already high and perhaps overly taxed system capacity. Diginuvo’s SDP can be leveraged further to provide better operational synergy between CMS and LSB. For example, the user may want to receive certain calls at the home zone, but not at work, and perhaps receive only urgent calls when traveling or on vacation. Each of these service tiers can be offered at different prices.


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