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Website Design Services

A well-designed, fast-loading website can be one of the most valuable assets of a small business that can attract new business, project a professional image, and allow businesses to communicate effectively with customers, members, or employees. Diginuvo offers compelling web design services that can lead to higher sales, better branding and improved customer satisfaction for small businesses. Our methodology is a multistage process comprising analysis, design, development and implementation. In the analysis phase, we work closely with our clients to determine the site's goals, identify target audience, gather information about the business, and conduct a comprehensive analysis of all the major competitors’ websites. In the design phase, we develop a website strategy that addresses the various high-level goals of the site, such as SEO-friendliness, graphics and page layout, database design, fonts,animations, online forms layout etc. In the development phase, we create all the web pages as determined in the initial and ongoing communications, conduct various tests to determine both the functionality and performance of the site, and make any additional changes requested by the client within the context of the previously agreed framework. In the implementation phase, we submit the website to the hosting provider, conduct live system tests, fine-tune various design elements, optimize e-commerce and online ads, and analyze site traffic to determine ways to drive more visitors to the site to enhance the site’s revenue potential. We have strong expertise in a number of web development technologies, including HTML, XHTML, AJAX, CSS, DHTML, XML, PHP, Active Server Pages, JSP, JSF, Dojo, Client and Server side scripting. We have in-depth experience with a number of Content management Systems (Joomla, Wordpress, EzPublish, Squarespace, Drupal, osCommerce), web design tools (Fireworks, Dreamweaver,Panic Coda, Photoshop, Aptana, GIMP, CSSEdit), and database management systems (Oracle,DB2, MySQL, MS SQL Server) that can address the needs for any website.


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